grease is the word

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Man I always bum out that I'm the one who brings the teenage mutant ninja turtle element into this food-radical community and lower the tone. But daaamn. Today I lost all control and ate THREE donuts from my 'scum-bag on the corner open til 3am cos its thats how we roll' fish n chip shop. I felt so ghetto but have you ever appraised these guys? Or any fish n chip provided 'dessert' menu? My donuts were fried almost dark brown, slathered in cinnamon sugar and had me hooked for two reasons. Crunchy as a mf on the outside. Soft on the inside. Bonus ghetto points if you can see half the fluffy inside is secretly infiltrated by the grease. I hate Dunkin Donuts cos it has too many Homer Simpson theatrics - I love these guys. This is dedicated to my 'pineapple fritter' skulling homies everywhere.

Next week: why I love 2 for Tuesday Taco's. $5 dude!


    YUM pineapple fritters!

    potato fritters also a fave! better than fish even!

    favourite european bad ass snack:
    'frikandel speziaal', deep fried sausage with 'oorlog' (literally "war"): mayonnaise and peanut sauce (but better with mayo, ketchup and chopped onions).


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