Rolling of the cheeses
Friday 8 June 2007 by Hock
The Spanish enjoy "The Running of the Bulls"
The British enjoy the rolling of the cheese
Double Gloucester that is.
The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake set to Bryan Ferry A Hard Rain’s A-gonna Fall
Why throw yourself down a stupidly steep hill? To win the cheese of course
The current title holder
And of course the "ladies" winner New Zealander Jemima Bullock
What other country would have an annual cheese rolling contest?
Perpetual anglophiles New Zealand of course....cuppa tea anyone?
Not quite Bryan Ferry
Don't they look like they are having fun, how twee.
The British enjoy the rolling of the cheese
Double Gloucester that is.
The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake set to Bryan Ferry A Hard Rain’s A-gonna Fall
Why throw yourself down a stupidly steep hill? To win the cheese of course
The current title holder
And of course the "ladies" winner New Zealander Jemima Bullock
What other country would have an annual cheese rolling contest?
Perpetual anglophiles New Zealand of course....cuppa tea anyone?
Not quite Bryan Ferry
Don't they look like they are having fun, how twee.
haha! is he holding a rabbit?