Roti sai mai and the smoky mysteries of Authaya, another fishy tale.
Monday, 21 April 2008 by Hock
I drove to Ayuthaya last weekend with Austin to eat amongst other things boat noodles and that fish again at Baan Wacharachai.
Even with Austins mastery of the Thai language and my (ahem) charm we were stopped from getting any closer to what looked like a serious smoking device.

This dark image is all that I could capture. While the massive security guard warned us not to get any closer, his vicious guard dog snarled at us both and we finally got the message. I guess the high security surrounding the cooker was for fear of revealing the secrets of the fish.
Earlier in the day we visited a local market and sure enough we found an abundance of roti sai mai and these particularly happy roti sai mai makers. As usual Austin scored several free samples, this I have to say has happened on more than one occasion and I guess is a just reward for studying the Thai language for so long.
Even with Austins mastery of the Thai language and my (ahem) charm we were stopped from getting any closer to what looked like a serious smoking device.

This dark image is all that I could capture. While the massive security guard warned us not to get any closer, his vicious guard dog snarled at us both and we finally got the message. I guess the high security surrounding the cooker was for fear of revealing the secrets of the fish.
Earlier in the day we visited a local market and sure enough we found an abundance of roti sai mai and these particularly happy roti sai mai makers. As usual Austin scored several free samples, this I have to say has happened on more than one occasion and I guess is a just reward for studying the Thai language for so long.