WHO knew?

WHO attributes approximately 3 million deaths a year from such diseases to inadequate fruit and vegetable
intake — a risk factor almost as deadly as tobacco use or unsafe sex.

It is noted that the average per capita availability of fruits and vegetables in Bangladesh and Cambodia are among the lowest in Asia. Among the developed countries, New Zealand has the highest per capita availability of fruits and vegetables. From those stats I'm willing to take a wild guess and say that New Zealand probably has a higher proportion of vegans and vegetarians too.

(sorry i can't remember where I read this, so source not attributed as yet)


    v interesting.

    I would've thought so too,about the vege/vegan rate in NZ, but then I read this very amusing article about a semi-flexi-vegan who lived in NZ for a while. He claims he didn't make a friend in the whole 8 years he lived there.
    An exaggeration, I'm sure, but still made me laugh



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