Great Snacks For Eating Standing Up

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I often think food tastes better standing up.

Not sure if the term 立ち食い (Tachigui or standing eating) applies when you are eating at home, I think it is more about fast food, noodle shops on the street and so on. Will have to ask my friend Mami who I know is also a fan of the occasional standing-in-the-kitchen-with-a-glass-of-wine meal.

Here is Great Snack For Eating Standing Up #1 (please do contribute your own)

Shiitake mushrooms grilled in the oven with a few drops of balsamico. Eat while still very hot with a little squirt of Kyupi Japanese mayo while gazing out the window.

Warning: eating standing up is supposedly not good for obtaining full nutrition from food, according to a macrobiotic chef
I once took cooking classes from. But I still like it.


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