Food sculptures on buildings

#1: Hersey Kiss in a Humpty-Dumpty position... near the Niagara Falls.

#2: Upside-down ice cream on cone in Cologne.

#3: The infamous "beer foam" on top of Asahi Beer headquarter building in Tokyo.

... or more popularly known as "unko biru (building)."
(unko means... well, excrement in Japanese).

We all made fun of this monument when it came out... it just looks like golden unko.

Believe it or not, it is designed by Philippe Stark.

We all wondered what came across the designer's mind... the legend is that it was originally meant to be installed upright, and was supposed be "flamme d'or," golden flame, but due to some building restriction laws it had to be installed horizontally.

If you take one of those tempura-frying restaurant boats on the Sumida river, you will cruise by this unko building.


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