Tuesday, 18 March 2008 by Dr Maytel
Not the fuzzy wuzzy angel track....the raw fish salad of Fiji, pronounced as "ko-kon-da"...and here's why
We bought it for $5 New Zealand dollars a pottle from the fish shack outside of Nola's (where I was once fired from my after school job as a 13 year old when I told the boss that he was racist for calling me "Little China" and I got my revenge by making an appointment to see the Council for Race Relations, which forced him to write me a humble and apologetic letter)
Back to the point, the proprietor is a older Maori lady with a very impressive facial moko and a good selection of fresh fish at reasonable prices (whole smoked fish only $7 NZ)
It was very fresh, white firm fish marinaded in lemon or lime and salt for a few hours and then mixed with fresh coconut milk, tomato and green onion. We added some corriander and some hot sauce and ate it with taco chips and guacamole as a starter for our Mexican feast of sweet potato, corn, Mexican flavoured bbq chicken and refried beans and salad.
It is very easy to make yourself at home...but if you're in Auckland I would just head to the fish shack outside of Nolas and buy it, on account of the fact that it seems extremely difficult to find very fresh fish in Auckland, plus my sister's Fijian Indian boyfriend reckoned it was pretty damn good....although he adds chopped cucumbers to his.